The youth scene is changing before our eyes. Sometimes it is hard for parents and pastors to understand what is taking place.

Dr. Tim Elmore was on my radio program recently to talk about his new book “12 Huge Mistakes Parents Can Avoid.” In the midst of the interview, he explained the cultural situation parents and children are facing in this 21s century world. What is happening can be summarized with the world SCENE.

The letter “S” stands for speed. Young people today grow up in a fast-paced world with fast computers and instant information. They like the speed of the world and have come to expect it. So if speed is good, then slow is bad. Having to wait or having to postpone instant gratification is something that irritates them.

The letter “C” stands for convenience. This 21st century world makes life easy and convenient, especially for young people living in the developed world. But if convenience is good, then that means that hard is bad. This is a generation much less likely to work as hard than previous generations.

The letter “E” stand for entertainment. Young people have more choices for entertainment than ever before. They spend lots of time in front of screens and expect to be entertained all of the time. However, if entertainment is good, then boring is bad.

The letter “N” stands for nurture. This is the most risk-adverse generation ever. We protected them with seat belts and bike helmets. And we have always told them to be careful. The message they receive is to never take risks, because risk is bad.

The letter “E” stands for entitlement. I have done whole commentaries and even chapters of books on this attribute. Many of their parents had a psychology of entitlement. Their children have inherited that mindset as well. If entitlement is good, then labor is bad.

This are the five attributes of the current youth SCENE. But notice that the five things that are supposedly bad are important attributes for success. I am concerned that we are setting up an entire generation for failure.

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