
It may begin with teasing or even insults. But it doesn’t stop there. Bullying has become a major issue for parents, teachers, and schools to address. More than 1 in 5 school children report being bullied on a regular basis.

Bullying doesn’t stop when students graduate. Bosses and spouses bully others. There is really only one way to stop the bullying syndrome: intervention. June Hunt explains what it is and how to stop it in her newest book, Bullying: Bully No More.

On my program and in her book she explained the important differences between common conflict and bullying. She also reminds us that nearly all bullies were bullied themselves. That starts a progression that parents and teachers need to observe and interrupt.

She also talks about the important role a bystander can have in stopping a bully. Usually there is a bully, a victim, and a number of bystanders. Those who stand by and watch it happen usually are encouraging bullies to do even more.

Bullies usually believe their behavior is justified. They even feel entitled. They think it is OK to say mean things. After all, someone did it to them. They have to be the center of attention. That is why bystanders need to intervene and stop providing the bully with a ready audience.

June Hunt also takes on ten of the most popular fallacies of bullying. Some believe that bullying is normal and merely a rite of passage. Others believe that bullying is a rare occurrence. Even others believe that bullies will mature and grow out of bullying behavior. All of these ideas (and many others discussed in the book) are false.

The Bible reminds bullies that, “God opposes the proud” (1 Peter 5:5). Bystanders should remember that Proverbs (24:11) says that we should “rescue those being led away to death.”

I applaud June Hunt for writing a book that pastors, parents, and teachers need. Bullying is a real problem, and her book provides a biblical perspective and practical answers.

1 thought on “Bullying

  1. Hi Kirby,
    Long time listener, first time commenting. I was listening to the program on bullying, and I feel that there is a lot of bullying going on with our government and some groups such as abortion proponents and environmentalist and same sex marriage proponents. If they don’t get their way the use the courts and other means to force their agendas on us. Just my two cents worth.

    Thanks for your informative and great programming and guests, and hosts. God bless you all.


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