Christian Purge

The purging of Christians from countries in the Middle East has been taking place for years, but the latest Christian purge from Mosul is the most disturbing. Christians are given the choice of converting to Islam or fleeing. Any who remain would face certain death from ISIS. Thousands have left the city with nothing more than the clothes they were wearing.

A recent Wall Street Journal editorial asks a good question. “Imagine if a fundamentalist Christian sect captured the French city of Lyon and began a systematic purge of Muslims. Their mosques were destroyed, their crescents defaced, the Koran burned and then all Muslims forced to flee or face execution. Such an event would be unthinkable today, and if it did occur Pope Francis and all other Christian leaders would denounce it and support efforts by governments to stop it.”

The point they are making is the lack of concern from the Muslim world about what is happening right now in Iraq. To that I might add, my disappointment at the lack of comment even from so many in the west. Let me immediately give high praise to such spokesman as Representative Frank Wolf. He has been on my radio program a number of times and has spoken forcefully about the plight of Christians in these Middle Eastern countries where radicals dominate the political landscape. Sadly, he and a few others are the few voices speaking out about the purge of Christians in Muslim countries.

The Christian purge by ISIS may be the most visible and the most brutal, but there have been many other similar examples. Radical Muslims in Egypt have driven the Coptic Christians from their homes. Radical Muslims in various parts of Africa have killed and persecuted Christians.

This purging of Christians is reminiscent of the way the Muslim army pursued a religious war against Jews and Christians in previous centuries. We should be hearing a loud outcry from Jews, Christians, and moderate Muslims about what is happening. I am thankful for the few voices that speak out but appalled that so very few do.

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