EMPs and Hollywood

The possibility of an attack from North Korea has many talking about the impact
an EMP attack could have on this country. Fortunately, more Americans are aware of the
potential danger because of Hollywood.

Joseph Farah wrote that finally “Hollywood is Getting Something Right.” By that
he means that EMPs have become the plot line of various movies and television
programs. Even if it is true that most Americans get lots of their information from
entertainment programming rather than news, they will still be aware of the danger.

Hollywood recognized the scary potential of an EMP first with its remake of the
movie “Red Dawn.” It is also worth noting that the bad guys in the movie are from North
Korea, and they use an EMP to cripple our country.

Hollywood also advanced the theme of an EMP in the television show,
“Revolution.” Now in the second season, “we learn what caused massive deaths in the
U.S., what plunged it into darkness, how renegade militias came to terrorize the
population and why Americans no longer had electricity, computers, communications
and transportation more efficient than horses.” It was an EMP that caused all of that.

Government officials are concerned that North Korea (or another country like
Iran) could explode a high-altitude device over this country. It would destroy major
portions of the power grid and cripple the nation’s electronic devices. An Army War
College study estimated that such a detonation could wipe out the electrical grid for
hundreds or even thousands of miles. This may be what Kim Jong Un has planned,
although his country doesn’t seem to have the missile capability (at least yet) to launch a
nuclear device high above the U.S. and denote it. Let us hope and pray North Korea does
not develop the technology. If they do, I fear they would use it.

Perhaps the only good news is that the American people are finally learning from
Hollywood of the potential danger of EMPs.

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