GAY MARRIAGE PLUS…other things

The Obama Administration has stepped in to support same sex marriage in two cases to
be argued before the Supreme Court at the end of the month. In the case challenging the
Defense of Marriage Act, we’ve known for awhile what side the White House was on.
The president has refused to allow his Justice Department to defend DOMA against
various challenges and, last year, announced his full support for same sex marriage. He
reiterated that support in his inauguration speech and in his State of the Union Address.
And the Justice Department has filed a brief with the Supreme Court asking it to strike
down DOMA.

But the president has also praised the democratic process enshrined in DOMA in which
states are “working through the issue” and adopting their own marriage policies. Now,
the United States Justice Department is arguing the opposite position. The administration
is intervening in the case challenging Proposition 8, California’s law defining marriage
as between one man and one woman. The Administration has filed a brief expressing its
opposition to Prop 8; also taking the surprising step of petitioning the Supreme Court for
time to argue its position.

The Justice Department’s brief signals that the Administration is turning its back on
society’s long-standing interest in both mothers and fathers raising the next generation.
This isn’t just about same sex couples and their desires. It’s not even just about their
kids. This affects everyone’s kids.

Take a look at a state where same sex marriage has been around awhile.

Massachusetts implemented same sex marriage in 2004. Soon parents began to notice
elementary school curricula portraying families headed by gay and lesbian couples as no
different from families headed by heterosexual parents. And some learned, the hard way,
this was not something they could opt their kids out of. Because same sex marriage was
state law, this was mandatory.

Fast forward a few years and parents across the state are shocked to find that transgender
students may use the bathroom of their choice in school. The Massachusetts Department
of Education has issued rules that require schools to accept a student’s gender identity
at face value. If a boy thinks he’s a girl, he can be on the girls’ softball team and change
clothes for PE with your daughter. What’s more, she can’t object. According this new
directive, students who refuse to affirm or support their transgender classmates will be be

So a fifth grade girl who is uncomfortable using the restroom if there’s an eighth grade
transgendered boy in the next stall has no recourse.

Think there aren’t that many transgendered students to make this a big deal? There will
be if the adults in the equation continue encouraging experimentation with various sexual

orientations. Parents who affirm their children in questioning their gender. Psychologists
who advocate encouraging little ones, even toddlers, make different identity choices.
Scholars who legitimize this. And laws prohibiting the acknowledgement of gender
differences. All these influences have created this atmosphere. No wonder some kids are

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