Hannity Standard

Last month there was a big media flap because Michael Cohen (the president’s personal attorney) revealed that Sean Hannity was a client. All sorts of media commentators said that Hannity should have revealed that he had a relationship with Cohen when he was talking about the FBI raid on Cohen’s office.

That seemed like such a good idea, some have suggested this be called the “Sean Hannity Standard.” Not only should the Fox News host reveal his connections to people he discussed, but everyone in the media should do so. I welcome that because in researching this, I found various articles talking about the connections many in the mainstream media have with people they interview.

George Stephanopoulos has served as press secretary for President Bill Clinton. And he also interviewed former FBI director James Comey about his decision not to prosecute Bill Clinton’s wife Hillary over her mishandling of emails.

NBC’s Chuck Todd regularly interviews various Democratic senators. His wife is a longtime Democratic consultant and has even served as a communications director for a Democratic senate campaign. According to this new standard, Chuck Todd should have disclosed his wife’s relationship with these Democrats.

CNN’s Jake Tapper used to work for Handgun Control, Inc. but I don’t remember him acknowledging that before moderating a town hall on gun violence. He has also been a press secretary for a congressional campaign. And his wife has served as a regional field manager for Planned Parenthood.

NBC’s Andrea Mitchell is married to Alan Greenspan (former Fed chairman). ABC’s Claire Shipman is married to Jay Carney (former Obama press secretary). This list goes on and on. Perhaps that is why the idea of implementing the “Hannity Standard” faded so quickly.

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