Marriage and the Courts

The Supreme Court decision concerning same-sex marriage has once again rekindled the debate about how to define marriage. That is why I would recommend that you read the book, What is Marriage? One of the co-authors, Ryan Anderson, was on my radio program to talk about the importance of traditional marriage.

The authors begin with a simple declaration: “What we have come to call the gay marriage debate is not directly about homosexuality, but about marriage.” Unfortunately, various state and federal court decisions have often been about anything but marriage. These judges, and proponents of counterfeit marriage, want to make the discussion and debate about equality, civil rights, or even homosexuality. The authors of What is Marriage? don’t address the issue of homosexuality or homosexual acts. Their focus is on what marriage is, and why a proper definition of marriage is important.

Proponents of redefining marriage appeal to equality and link their rhetoric to the civil-rights movement. Ryan Anderson says that such appeals beg the question of what is essential to marriage. Supporters of same-sex marriage assume gender is as irrelevant as race when it comes to making policy about marriage. But, the relevance of gender is actually the question that needs to be discussed. Marriage must be color-blind, but it cannot be gender-blind.

The book also explains the negative impact redefining marriage will have on the needs of children. Put simply, every child needs a father and a mother. That is the ideal, though sometimes children must be reared in situations far from the ideal. Ryan Anderson says redefining marriage “would legislate a new principle: that marriage is whatever emotional bond the government says it is.” We will lose important concepts like monogamy, exclusivity, and permanency.

We also forget that marriage predates government. Diverse cultures and religious faiths all uphold marriage as an ideal. History shows that traditional marriage is the foundation of human civilization.

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