No Shame

What happened to the word shame? Why aren’t people ashamed of some of the things they do? It is a good question. Columnist John Hawkins believes there are things that we should be ashamed of doing. He deserves accolades not only for writing the column, but also for starting with a quote from Proverbs 6:16-19. Let me comment on a few things he mentions. Two are cultural, and two are political.

First, people should be ashamed of acting like a skank in public. We can think of other words to describe the behavior of singers like Madonna or Miley Cyrus, but this word is good enough to illustrate the point. Young girls who followed the fun story of Hannah Montana are treated now to a young woman who has tossed every bit of that wholesome image. I feel for mothers trying to raise daughters in this cultural rot.

Second, parents should be ashamed for allowing their children to inconvenience others. You certainly know what I mean if you fly on airplanes or walk in a mall or stand next to the checkout counter in a grocery store. Screaming children with temper tantrums are on the increase. Parents seem unable or unwilling to discipline their kids. Spoiled, selfish kids apparently are running these households.

Lying politicians are a third group that should be ashamed. John Hawkins reminds us that politicians have lied to voters in the past. That is no new revelation. The difference is the willingness to consider routine lying to the American public as just part of the political spin that must take place.

Another political issue is the entitlement mentality of so many on welfare. John Hawkins illustrates this from a scene in the movie Cinderella Man. I’ve mentioned this in previous commentaries. James Braddock is forced to get welfare to feed his family. He is humiliated by the experience and eventually goes back and repays the money he received. Today many on welfare feel no shame in staying on the dole for a lifetime.

We may have lost the idea of shame, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things we should be ashamed about.

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