No Time to Think

Most of us in modern society feel overscheduled and over committed. You have probably heard people say that they are “super busy” or “crazy busy.” Perhaps you have said it yourself. You are busy at work and busy at home.

That is why Kate Murphy, writing in the New York Times, says we have “No Time to Think.” Our busy, fast-paced, frenetic lifestyles give us little or no time for quiet contemplation. And when we do have a moment for reflective thought, many of us hate the quiet. In fact, there is a study that shows how much we hate a quiet moment.

I first heard about this study by psychology professor Timothy Wilson from a Breakpoint commentary by John Stonestreet. He was quoting from a science journal that reported, “Given the choice, many people would rather give themselves mild electric shocks than sit idly in a room for 15 minutes.” Kate Murphy quotes from the same study.

Here’s the background. Students were asked to sit alone without mobile devices for 15 minutes. Half found this to be an unpleasant experience. In the next experiment they were given a small electric shock. Most of them said they would be willing to pay not to experience the shock again. Yet when they sat in the room “alone with their thoughts” two-thirds of the men and a quarter of the women were so eager to do something, they actually gave themselves shocks.

There are all sorts of theories why people keep themselves busy so they don’t have to think or reflect. Perhaps they are trying to avoid thinking negative thoughts. Perhaps we are all addicted to busyness. Whatever the reason, we see that the Bible values quiet and mediation on God’s Word. Psalm 46:10 say we are to “be still, and know that I am God.”

The Bible teaches, and the lives of great Christians in the past, remind us that we need time of solitude, prayer, and reflection. Our busy 21st century lives are just the opposite of that. It is time to make time to think and be still.

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