Obamacare and Cars

Throughout the debate on health care we heard the president and many members of Congress repeat the mantra that “if you like your policy, you can keep your policy.” Although many critics at the time doubted whether that would be true, only now are many people finding out that it is not true for them.

The reaction to the other mantra has been even more visceral. We are also told that “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” As reality sets in, many citizens realize that will not be true for them either. Insurance policies come and go, but losing your family doctor has become the last straw for many people.

Jonah Goldberg uses an illustration that captures the current situation and helps explain why people are becoming so angry. Like all illustrations, it’s not perfect but it’s close.

He says, “Say I like my current car. The government says under some new policy I will be able to keep it and maybe even lower my car payments. But once the policy is imposed, I’m told my car now isn’t street-legal. Worse, I will have to buy a much more expensive car or be fined by the IRS. But, hey, it’ll be a much better car. Why even though you live in Death Valley, your new car will have great snow tires and heated seats.”

Three years ago, we were told that health care reform would lower our premium costs. I never believed that, but many probably did. We would also told we could keep our policy if we liked it. Instead, as many as 16 millions Americans will lose their individual policies. Now they have to buy a more expensive policy. And when they get another policy, it will require mandates they would never use. A woman in her 60s needs maternity care about as much as a person in Death Valley needs snow tires and heated seats.

I think the car illustration helps explain why so many are angry and frustrated. People are being forced to buy something they don’t want and don’t need and have to pay more for it.

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