When the U.S. Senate considers important legislation, sometimes gangs form….usually a few Republicans and a few Democrats coalesce to make a recommendation to leadership on a compromise to get something big passed. The group of conservative senators trying to defund ObamaCare isn’t exactly a gang. They’re certainly nimble. But they’re not compromising. In fact they’ll use every procedural weapon necessary to get to their goal.

The goal is to make sure this transformation of our economy never takes hold. To get there, Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul and others have to move toward the goal, despite the obstacles.

They know ObamaCare cannot be repealed with President Obama still in office. But these lawmakers are not letting that deter them from taking this battle just as far as they can and drawing the public into the fight. They’re giving Americans the voice we didn’t get when the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010 against the will of the people.

Polls show the Affordable Care Act is less popular now than it was when it passed. Apolitical Americans, simply trying to live their lives are waking up to what this transformation will do to them, their companies, and their families. Some are losing their health coverage because the companies they work for are dropping it.    The big news lately is companies, like Trader Joes and Home Depot, that employ lots of part timers, and choose to provide those part timers with health insurance, have decided to drop it.    Other workers are having their hours cut because their employers want to avoid ObamaCare’s mandates. And in many states, like Georgia, where you could find health insurance that was a relative bargain, you won’t be able to anymore.

True, in some states, premiums will drop. Insurers in California, Illinois, New Hampshire and other places are driving down premiums by restricting the number of providers who will treat patients in their health care plans and determining to pay those providers less. A spokesman for Cigna, for instance, said (quote) “The networks will be narrower than the networks typically offered to large groups of employees in the commercial market.” So much for: ‘”If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan.”

If ObamaCare gets entrenched the insurance system will collapse. Full socialized medicine will be the fix. So we must stop it.

The deed will be done in 2017.  But there are battles to be fought along the way.

One battle is for the seats of vulnerable Senate Democrats who will face voters in 2014. There are six of them from states where voters mostly don’t like ObamaCare.
Another battle the defund group is pursuing is to get President Obama to double down as the owner of this nightmarish transformation.

ObamaCare is too big a program to fix the problem of the uninsured. Smart people can design something better.

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