Obamacare Secrets

We are learning some of the secrets of Obamacare that have been hidden from view. The Government Accountability Office concluded in their new report that all Americans are being forced to subsidize abortion from their health care exchanges. This is happening even in states that have excluded abortion from their state exchanges. The report also found that when Americans tried to determine whether abortion coverage was included in their plan, that information was not readily available.

The Affordable Care Act requires that insurers collect separate payments from customers for abortion coverage so that taxpayer money in the form of subsidies do not cover abortions. The complex payment scheme was put in place because pro-life Democrats refused to pass the legislation unless a mechanism was created so that Americans would not be forced to pay for abortion.

It is worth remembering that in a joint session of Congress (September 2009), President Obama promised that the health care plan he proposed would not fund abortion. He promised that: “no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place.”

Another secret that has been exposed concerns what some critics called “death panels.” The Independent Payment Advisory Board was supposed to be created so that experts in Washington could set health care and pricing policies. Many Americans had a negative reaction to unelected bureaucrats making decisions about medical treatments they could or could not have.

Dr. Merrill Matthews points out that more than four years after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, President Obama has yet to nominate one person to this board. The reason is obvious. The first nomination to go before Congress would reopen the debate about these so-called “death panels.” This isn’t the sort of debate and discussion the president and members of his party would like to have before a crucial election. But it is certain that he will put forth nominations after the election.

These are just a few of the secrets behind Obamacare that you may have heard about here for the first time. It makes you wonder what else we don’t know.

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