One Nation

In February 2013, Dr. Ben Carson gave a speech at the National Prayer Breakfast. It has changed his life. He had spoken before at the National Prayer Breakfast, when Bill Clinton was president. Although his speech then created a stir, nothing could prepare him for the response from the speech he gave with President Obama sitting a few feet from him.

His new book has the title, One Nation: What We Can All Do to Save America’s Future. He understands the challenges of our growing debt and deteriorating morals, but is still optimistic. The subtitle of his book reminds us that each of us have a stake in America’s future and can do something to makes things better.

Before he appeared on my radio program, I asked listeners to suggest questions they would like to ask Dr. Carson. I was struck by the significant number of questions asking if he believed revival and reformation was possible or whether America’s best days were behind them. He still believes there is hope for this nation as illustrated by the action steps at the end of each chapter.

I also commended him for starting every chapter with a relevant verse from Proverbs. Not many people today (either leaders or laypeople) start with Scripture in laying out the problem or the solutions for America. However, the founders of this country and the framers of the Constitution began many of their writings with an appeal to a biblical principle.

Dr. Carson believes we are suffering from elitism and political correctness. We seem to have lost the ability to discuss important issues calmly and respectfully. He provides a good role model for this. He laments the increasing amount of division and demagoguery in our political culture today. He also sets forth a vision for the future and reminds us as a people who we are. One of his best-known visions is for a wiser health care system.

Dr. Carson rightly believes that American may once again be “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

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