PC Schools

The public schools are becoming more politically correct all the time. On my radio program recently, I read story after story of school administrators working to

prevent any controversy. Some of these stories have become national news. Others aren’t even reported in some local newspapers.

On Constitution Day (September 17), the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals declined a request for a full hearing on a case involving four students at a

California high school. They were sent home for wearing American flag T-shirts on Cinco de Mayo. Essentially the court said that officials at the high school

could censor students who wanted to wear flag-emblazoned shirts.

Perhaps I should send these judges a copy of the book, Supreme Irony. Kelly Shackelford (Liberty Institute) wrote the book from his speech at the historical

society of the Supreme Court. It recounted the famous case of Tinker v. Des Moines in which the Supreme Court ruled that high school students had the right

to wear black arm bans protesting the Vietnam War.

A number of high school students in South Carolina decided to remember the September 11 terrorist attacks by flying American flags on their trucks in the

school parking lot. Although the principal said he applauded the students’ patriotism, he ordered all the flags removed from the vehicles. Apparently there is a

district policy that bans students from drawing an “unusual amount of attention to oneself.”

The students decided to hold a protest meeting in which they demanded that the “zero tolerance” policy be changed. After a Facebook post about the meeting

surfaced, a number of people began driving past the school with flags flying on their vehicles.

An Army officer went to his daughter’s school in Michigan and was greeted by a security guard who told him that he would have to change out of his uniform

before he could enter the building. Three other people at the high school told him the same thing because they feared his military uniform would offend some

students. In this case, the principal later called to apologize for the incident.

These are just three examples of many that demonstrate how political correctness is taking over our public schools. It is time for citizens to protest, and say

enough is enough.

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