Persecuted Businesses

When civil unions or same-sex marriages are legal, there are consequences. One is the loss of our liberty. Recently on “Face the Nation,” host Bob

Schieffer was surprised to hear that business owners (especially wedding vendors) are being persecuted (and even prosecuted) for refusing to participate in

same-sex “marriage” ceremonies. He told Tony Perkins that “this is under my radar.” He had never heard of these examples. Fortunately, the Family Research

Council has compiled a list of what happens to these businesses.

For example, a lesbian woman tried to hire Elane Photography in New Mexico for a same-sex ceremony. I might mention that New Mexico law does not

recognize civil unions or same-sex marriage. Nevertheless, the Christian husband and wife of the photography studio were prosecuted under the state’s Civil

Rights Commission.
The New Jersey Division on Civil Rights ruled against a church group that would not rent space to a lesbian couple who were going to have a civil union

ceremony. They ruled that the Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association violated the public accommodation provisions of the state’s Law Against

A Vermont country inn settled a lawsuit brought by two New York women by paying a civil penalty to the Vermont Human Rights Commission and placing

additional funds in a charitable trust. Their business initially refused to host the lesbian couple’s wedding reception.
A husband and wife that refused to bake a cake for a lesbian wedding, due to their Christian faith, have been facing renewed attacks from gay advocates

whom they say are determined to run them out of business. Some of the caustic emails and telephone calls call for the husband to be shot and raped and for

illness to befall the couple’s children.
These are just four of the 15 examples listed by the Family Research Council. Bob Schieffer may not have heard these stories. Now you have heard some

of them.

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