Reasons for Abortion

When Kristi Burton Brown saw a recent article about “10 Reasons to Have an Abortion,” she felt the need to give a rebuttal. She is a pro-life attorney who has volunteered for Life Legal Defense Foundation and is also an allied attorney for Alliance Defending Freedom.

One of the reasons given for abortion is: “Having a baby would endanger your life.” This seems to be stated as a fact. Sure, there are some women who have high-risk pregnancies. That is a reason to find a good doctor to manage that pregnancy. That is not a reason to have an abortion.

Another reason given for abortion is: “Your birth control failed.” But the failure of birth control is not a reason to kill a child. Brown argues that: “If a person is adult enough to have sex, they should be adult enough to take responsibility for a natural consequence of their actions.” An unplanned child still has the right to life.

Some women will say they don’t want to have a child because of their career. Brown then asks, “So, the answer to a successful career is killing your child?” How are women being empowered when the message from the culture is abortion is the best stepping-stone to success?

Age is another reason given for abortion. Some feel they are too young to raise a child. Others feel they are too old. Of course, there are many examples of young mothers and quite old mothers who do an excellent job raising children. Even if a woman is convinced she cannot raise a child, she can give her child up for adoption.

Another reason given for abortion is overpopulation. Brown asks, “Does overpopulation justify killing your neighbor? A random person in the grocery store?” Clearly we would not do that. But somehow many have bought the lie that an unborn child can be killed in the womb because of overpopulation.

Kristi Burton Brown gives good answers to many of the other so-called reasons for abortion. In each case, it is easy to see how flawed the current arguments for abortion are.

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