Reject Jesus?

Why do people reject Jesus? That is the question evangelist Don Johnson asks and answers in his post, “Sexual Immorality and Five Other Reasons People Reject Christianity.” He concludes that many of the reasons skeptics reject the biblical message have as much to do with psychology and morality as it does with theology.

Many skeptics reject the Bible and Christianity because of heartbreak. He quotes from New York Times columnist Russell Baker. In his autobiography he talks about a pivotal time in his life when his father died. At an early age he concluded that God was not to be trusted and eventually became a skeptic.

Not having a positive role model for a father is another reason for skepticism. Psychologist Paul Vitz made this case years ago in his book, Faith of the Fatherless. He observed from studying the lives of history’s atheists that they usually grew up without a father or had a defective father. The argument is more sophisticated than I can discuss here, but it makes sense that if you have a problem with your earthly father you might also have a problem with your Heavenly Father.

Vitz himself says he became an atheist in college because of social pressure. That is another reason people reject the Bible and Jesus Christ. If you want to be seen as objective and sophisticated in college and in the secular world, you have to toss all of this “Jesus stuff.”

Vitz also admits that “personal inconvenience” is another major factor in atheism. Being a Christian takes time and commitment. For many the cost of discipleship is just too great, especially if you are being persecuted for your faith.

One last reason for unbelief is immorality. People think there is something wrong with a belief system that puts limits on your sexual behavior. An easy way to justify sin is to deny there is a Creator and that there is a moral order to the universe.

The next time you encounter an atheist or skeptic, it’s worth remembering that often the reasons for unbelief are more psychological and moral than they are rational and theological.

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