Richard Dawkins and Islam

Many people have referred to Professor Richard Dawkins as the world’s most famous atheist. He is certainly one of the biggest antagonists against

Christianity and presumptive leader of a group often called “the New Atheists.”

In the past he has had lots of awful things to say about religion in general and Christianity in particular. In his bestselling book, The God Delusion, he

described the God of the Old Testament as “the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a

vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist.” He goes on, but I will spare you the rest.

He has referred to the Catholic Church as an “evil corrupt organization.” He even said that it is a “child-raping institution.” He believes that the biblical

teaching about hell is a mental abuse that is even worse than sexual abuse. Dawkins has received surprisingly little criticism for his vitriol.

While Richard Dawkins was saying awful things about Christianity, he has been unusually quiet about Islam, until recently. He broke his silence in a series

of tweets aimed at dismissing the Muslim claims to scientific advances. He merely observed that: “all the world’s Muslims have fewer Nobel Prizes than Trinity

College, Cambridge.”

British newspapers ran stories about the controversy. “How dare you dress up your bigotry as atheism. You are now beyond an embarrassment,” fumed one

commentator. As you might expect, Dawkins was inundated with hostile tweets.

Like it or not, Richard Dawkins was stating a fact. Trinity graduates have three times as many Nobel Prizes as all Muslims. And if you eliminate the Nobel

Prize winners from the list, the ratio is nearly eight-to-one.

This latest dust-up illustrates two things. You can say just about anything about Christianity with impunity. Take on Islam, and you will pay a price. I’m

Kerby Anderson, and that’s my point of view.

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