There’s some unique and really bizarre social engineering about to begin in the schools in the state of California.

That is, unless California parents and other citizens stop it. They have put up other fights over school policies, mostly losing battles. So, one after another, mandated affirmations of homosexuality and the gay lifestyle have been heaped upon California educators. Health and sex education must be “non-judgmental” regarding sexual behavior and teach that all forms of the family are equivalent. Anti-bullying and non-discrimination regulations result in egregious discrimination against kids with traditional and Christian values. None of these initiatives is unique to California. They are infused into the curricula of most states.

Let’s hope at least some of what starts in California stays there. Educators are now required by law to teach lessons elevating the accomplishments of homosexuals way out of proportion to their true importance. And now, there’s this ridiculous “transgender bathroom bill,” AB 1266, signed by Governor Jerry Brown.

Even on the Left coast, parents have to wonder, how does this stuff get passed? The California legislature is so cowed by those pushing a radical homosexual, and now transgender agenda that it recently enacted this law that creates the right of elementary and secondary school students to use sex segregated school facilities such as showers, restrooms, and locker rooms based upon a student’s perceived gender identity. The law states, “A pupil shall be permitted to participate in sex-segregated school programs and activities, including athletic teams and competitions, and use facilities consistent with his or her gender identity, irrespective of the gender listed on the pupil’s records.”

In other words, if a boy says he’s more comfortable as a girl, the girls’ facilities and programs will be immediately open to him. Immediately. There’s not even a time requirement for which a student has to demonstrate he or she really is transgendered. Not that that would make this law any more palatable. Our laws should protect all students and not cater to the disorders of a few.

Some young people are confused about their gender. We should let them, or help them, get over this confusion, not encourage it.  Implementing this new law will ensure there is no stigma to this gender confusion.

Sometimes stigma is good! And dare I say it—so is shame.  Stigma or shame might lead a young person to seek help with homosexual attractions or gender confusion.  But no! That’s illegal in California too. About a year ago, Governor Brown signed a bill making it illegal for parents to take their children to counselors to get help with unwanted same-sex desires.    Only counseling that affirms homosexual desires is allowed.

Some sane California citizens are trying repeal the transgender bathroom law before it takes hold. They have formed a coalition to get the signatures needed for a referendum for repeal.

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